Nothing is really perfect. #10

Published on by Karyee

Theses days, all I hear is people not appreciating what they have in their live. That they don't like what they do or they just don't like the way they live. etc. The thing is, they don't know that they probably have it allot easier than others. To be honest, right now I can say my life sucks too. I can complain on how much my body is healthy but I just can't move that much because my muscles are to weak and I'm mostly alone all day and I can't work on my strength all by myself. That I can't go out on my own because I have a ventilator that helps me breathe and if something happens I need someone with me that knows how it works. That I'm mostly in my room all day wishing to just go outside and run everywhere. To be able to walk in unknown directions. To be able to go out with some friends and just hang out. That I want to meet new people. That I want to learn to play more instruments. Literally just have a normal life like everyone else. Even though if you really think about it. Nothing in this world is and can be normal because is just a label we give to identify something that we basically have no other clue what else it should really be then normal... The point is, even if I ask my doctor thousands and thousands of times to let me do something. Nothing will really change for now but just the fact that I know one day they will give me the chance to prove myself. Gives me some hope and until then I gotta say I do appreciate everything my family and friends do for me. All the care my nurses gives me (even though they can drive me nuts sometimes) and everything else I have. I probably don't have the best life that we all dream to have but I do have the best life I would wish for. I wouldn't change anything. Even though sometimes I do wish to know what would happen if I had done something differently. I would still wish to stay the same way. Nothing in our lives is really perfect. But the only thing you can do it to start appreciating every little things you have that makes it perfect to you.

Stay strong everyone ❤️

-Karye xo

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